- Q:Can I put a music composed with Pxtone Collage on view?
- A:Yes you can.
- Q:What is this noise in my music?
- A:Maybe the cause is overlapping.Delay can be it.
- Q:What does "PAN(TIME)" mean?
- A:Synthetic stereo.
- Q:I want to select many units.
- A:Select unit with the control key on the keyboad down.
- Q:I want to make a unit with delay,and the other without delay.
- A:Open "VOLUME PANEL"and select"GROUP NO",and place event.
Feel free to use following instrument packs in your pxtone musics.
- AAmaru Tone Library
- Made by AAmaru.
- Kirivoice Version1.2
- Made by Kiriyama.
- PEPOFONT Version1.00
- Made by PEPO.
- PEPOFONT2 Version0.10
- Made by PEPO.
- qPapers Version0.1.6
- Made by qESt.
- PGuitar Version1.00
- Made by Pata.
- Made by KiriShimentai.
- Complement of original instruments
- Made by KiriShimentai.
Useful softwares and websites
Following website will help your work.
- The Unibersity of Iowa Electronic Music Studios Musical Instrument Samples
- Instruments.
- SoundEngine
- A sound editing software.